What I learned from NOT Running
What I learned from NOT Running

What I learned from NOT Running

My Physical Therapist gave me clearance to try and run this weekend. The guidelines were:

1. stop if it hurts at all
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Marathon training Day 4


2. Make it a short run (preferably run/walk)

3. Pay attention to how it responds after

Well, this morning I was so thrilled for my first run in over a month! Last night I laid out my running gear and I was ready to do this.

But – once again the MD weather flipped me the bird. It is pouring outside ?

I was not going to be stopped from running today though.

So, I hit up the treadmill for 3 slow miles.

The good news: It didn’t hurt!!!

The bad news: It was hard. I feel like I lost a lot of fitness on my time off and it was a lot harder then I remember.

I am thrilled to build back up and get better. one of my main goals for this year is to get faster. because I need to come back slowly from my injury and I’ve lost stamina in my time off – that will be a very long road, but I’m thankful to be back on it.

When I got back I was HUNGRY. I had a handful of cereal and then did my hip exercises.

Then, it was real breakfast time. I made my first successful omelet! Normally, my omelets just end up being egg scrambles because I’m not useful with a spatula.

Inside I stuffed it with mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and laughing Cow cheese.  I also put some cheese on the top – which made me realize I mightbe eating too much cheese. This is a result of living with a cheese lover (Ben). I’m going to assess this later.

After a long shower and some unwinding I ate an apple and am practically ready for lunch. What have I been doing with my day? I still have a lot to do! I better be productive for a while so I can be lazy later ?

 On post-running injury strategy: 

Running forward: now that I can run again – it  doesn’t imply I can run like I used to. I am going to start back very slowly and pay attention to my knee.

I need to continue to do the hip exercises and incorporate much more cross training into my plan. I think I am going to run 3 days a week for a month before I increase it to 4. But, I don’t think I’ll run much more than 4 days a week for a very long time.

With my next half marathon and full I plan to train 3 to 4 days a week and either spin or Swim or do Kickboxing for additional cardio. I also really have to incorporate much more stretching and yoga!

But – training for a race is a little far off. best now my runs will be 3 to 5 miles max. as I build back up.

I realize the significance of cross training and stretching much more than ever. and this layoff introduced me to kickboxing, which is my obsession best now! I love it and don’t want to stop ever!! in that respect, this time off of running has been a blessing in disguise.

What I’ve learned from NOT running:

– I haven’t gained any weight while not running.  I still think losing a few pounds will help me run better and faster, but losing weight is about how much I eat NOT how much I run.

– I realize I love kickboxing and spinning can be fun too <3 – My hips are very tight and weak, so I really have to focus on this. – I need to rest and fuel my body better. – If I feel any type of injury coming on I will stop and not push through it. – Not running for six weeks isn’t the end of the world, it just sucks really really bad. – I miss running much more in pretty, cool weather; less in cold, windy weather. It killed me not to run in CA, but I didn’t mind dodging snowy sidewalks in MD. – I am happy to be a runner, it’s part of what defines me. I felt very left out and lonely by not running even though I don’t run with anyone. Question: have you ever been “benched” due to an injury or illness? Did you learn anything positive from that experience?? (I really wanted to name this post: “I’m Back Bitches!”,  but chose against it reluctantly in the interest of SEO and readers who are upset by cussing. I want an extra point for today.) Pošlete mi sešit Uložit Sdílení se stará! Podíl tweet Kolík PodílPošta Podíl Neustále si vybíráte: Běžící plánovač s dnem a počasím zcela zdarma k tisku Běžící plánovač s dnem a počasím zcela zdarma k tisku Úplně volný běh plánovač tisknutelný s počasím. Trénink v teplu nebo sněhu je těžký. Plánujte chytřejší a běžte silnější s tímto p Běžící kalendář - červenec 2020 zcela zdarma k tisku Běžící kalendář - červenec 2020 zcela zdarma k tisku Běžící tréninkový kalendář. Úplně zdarma tisknutelný běh jourmal pro červenec 2020. Plánovač plánu pro běžce všech hráčů Cítíte se připraveni vs. být připraven na vaši závod Cítíte se připraveni vs. být připraven na vaši závod Numnber 1 věc, kterou si pamatujete před vaším polovičním maratónem nebo plným maratonem. Návrh tréninku na poslední chvíli Nejvyšší seznam běžících cílů pro nový rok Nejvyšší seznam běžících cílů pro nový rok Nejvyšší seznam běžících cílů pro 2022. Novoroční běh cílů Workbook zcela zdarma průvodce, aby nastavil vaše nejlepší běžecké cíle! Běžet rychleji v tomto měsíci - návrh 1 a 2 Běžet rychleji v tomto měsíci - návrh 1 a 2 Ahoj! Jste připraveni tento měsíc běžet rychleji? Dostali jste tento měsíc kalendář s 10 návrhy na běh rychleji? Pokud ne - ge Bolest na aktualizaci nohou pro běžce Bolest na aktualizaci nohou pro běžce Vrchol bolesti nohou v běžci. Aktualizujte mé zranění nohou a schůzky. Rentgenové výsledky urgentní péče je to zlomenina napětí ⚡ Shareaholic .

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